August Meeting Schedule
August is Membership Month. Here’s the meeting schedule for the club:
August 7: Club Assembly – focus will be Membership with Penny Colman-Crandal.
August 14: Martine Stolk – Photographic Travelogue. Martine is an accomplished photographer and often travels to unique places to capture birds, wildlife, landscapes. She’ll share images and stories of her travels.
August 21: Rev. Louis E. Negron, Sr., Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Transylvania County will provide an update to the club.
August 28: District Governor Tiffany Ervin will address the club.
The public is always welcome to attend our breakfast meetings, listen to our guest speakers, and share a friendly, enjoyable, and delicious buffet breakfast at the Pisgah Fish Camp on Wednesday morning at 8:00 am.
Here’s an image of Martine’s from her trip to Hamburg, Germany to attend the Rotary International Convention in June. This image was taken during a District 7670 Cruise on the Elbe River.