District Governor Ken Shull to Visit Club on October 20

Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest welcomes District 7670 Governor Ken Shull! DG Ken will be visiting the club on Wednesday, October 20. He is from Rotary Club of Tryon and we appreciate all his help at the recent Assault on the Carolinas in September.
The upcoming meeting is sure to be filled with DG Ken sharing lots of information and activities during this year of Serve to Change Lives. Read his September message to Rotarians on the District 7670 website.
Amber Webb, a Past Club President and Chair of the Assault on the Carolinas “After Event” with DG Ken on Saturday, September 18, 2021. Thank you both for all your work during this exciting event and day! This was a brief respite before the 800+ riders returned from the 50k and 100k rides for a hearty lunch and rest!