Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest Announces the Opening of the Grant Cycle

The Rotary Club of Pisgah Forest is pleased to announce its 2022 Community Grants Application Cycle. Each year, the Pisgah Forest Rotary Club provides charitable grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services within Transylvania County. This support, made possible principally by the proceeds of the annual Assault on the Carolinas bicycle ride, is but one of several ways the Club provides valuable services impacting the local community throughout the year.
We invite nonprofit organizations to apply for a 2022 Pisgah Forest Rotary Community Grant. These grants are made only to support services within Transylvania County in the areas of (1) children, (2) education, or (3) health. Grants are not made to individuals.
Any questions can be sent by email to The Grants Committee at
We anticipate announcing the 2022 grants in late May and presenting them at a meeting of the Pisgah Forest Rotary Club in June.