March Meetings and Schedule – Updated

Here’s a look at the March programs for our Wednesday morning breakfast meeting:
March 11: Dennis Richardson, Operator in Responsible Charge, Brevard Water Treatment Plant
March 18: Ryan Fleming, Founder/Executive Director of Great Base Tennis Coalition – (Cancelled)
March 25: Gordon Murray and Angela Owen, Truventure – (Cancelled)
April 1: Club Assembly – (Cancelled)
Mar. 13: Fifth Grade Expo (Cancelled)
Apr. 4: AOTC (Cancelled)
Apr. 18: OneCauseOneStateOneTrail – (Postponed)
Apr. 24-26: District Conference – (Postponed)
Note: A hearty thank you to our speakers who have prepared for their visits. Thanks for our collective flexibility and we hope for all that meetings begin and we’ll be hearing from our speakers soon.
The public is always welcome to attend our breakfast meetings, listen to our guest speakers, and share a friendly, enjoyable, and delicious buffet breakfast at the Pisgah Fish Camp on Wednesday morning at 8:00 am. Next planned meeting is: Weds. May 6, 2020 until further notice.